

Welcome Home, in Cherokee

New Mexico Clan

O’siyo My name is Richard Sabastian Heart.

I was born in the state of New Mexico. I was raised in Oklahoma where my
Family clan is from “the Cannon’s”.  my grandfather always said that we
were black Irish (you know NDN’s, Dark skin People, living near the Irish).

His oldest son Kenneth Cannon 1927 – 1995 also known as Chief Two Trees of
Black Mountain/Old Fort, North Carolina who received his Medicine from his
Grandmother Mary Edna Andes 1876 – 1966 “Eyes of Fire” and her husband
George Washington Cannon 1871 - 1936

Chief Two Trees made his transition into the spirit world in 1995. In 2005
we honored the ten year celebration of his life in Old Fort, North Carolina
the night before that Celebration started Chief Two Trees came to me in a
vision and said that he was passing his medicine onto me. When I ask him
why he pointed in my heart and said pure heart and to this day I still
carry that’s symbol of that vision over my heart.

I started doing healing work when I was 10 years old, on friends and
family, and when I turn 33 I went to a Cherokee gathering in Ellijay,
Georgia that day the Great Spirit touched my heart and put me publicly on
the healing path. In 2008 I was led to The United Cherokee Nation - UCN and
today I work as a Healer at the Priory of Santa Fe, Native Health Service
Providers in Albuquerque, New Mexico…

Chief Richard "SunHawk" Heart

National Secretary - Tribal Council

New Mexico Clan

Contact Information;

See the Home Page for our current address, email address and phone number.

Copyright © 2005-2023: Property of The United Cherokee Nation (UCN) and may not be copied or distributed without expressed written consent.